Parrott Construction’s continued commitment to training and development…
At Parrott Construction we strongly believe in education and training to enable us to maximise our knowledge, skills and expertise, so we can be the best at what we do.
The company historically has always been fully committed to training, both of our own employees and through various schemes involving communities in and around our site locations.
We also believe in working in collaboration with the local community, and doing all we can to participate in joint initiatives, to educate them about our company, our approach and promote our reputation for delivering high quality construction projects.
We have recently provided a two year apprenticeship for a painter and decorator to join the team at Parrott Construction, and are soon to employ a technical and professional student on a two year apprenticeship. Our business is growing, so the team must also expand and strengthen to meet the rise in demand for our services.
We understand that employing an apprentice gives young starters the opportunity to earn and learn, develop valuable professional & construction trade skills, gain real life practical experience, achieve a recognised qualification and develop a career in their chosen field. It helps us out here too as we are able to help turn the talent of young people into a trade or career, hopefully enabling us to retain these skills at Parrott Construction.
We are currently working with Cross Keys Homes on our project in Peterborough which involves:-
- – Working with local colleges to provide work experience opportunities for 10 students currently undertaking construction courses.
- – Providing Health & Safety training for 11 college students
- – Participating in college employability workshops to provide students with an insight into the Construction Industry
- – Providing short construction courses for 14 operatives
- – Working with the One Service in Peterborough to provide employment for short term offenders to help get their lives back on track
We are also involved with B3 Living Limited in Hoddesdon to provide work experience opportunities for students from Hertford Regional College who are currently undertaking construction courses.
The Company works closely with the CITB to promote the construction industry and is regularly involved in projects with colleges in Bedford, Luton, Peterborough, Huntingdon and Hertford.
Being involved in the above activities means we can provide training and support to students who want to understand construction and what is required to pursue a career within a construction field. We are keen to be involved with the community at Parrott Construction and ongoing engagement with schools, colleges and learning workshops allows us to do this.
If you’d like to find out more you can call us on 01234 849680 or fill out our contact form here.